subject: Your Personal Brand Will Never Be The Same Again [print this page] Your Personal Brand Will Never Be The Same Again
Most of us are acutely aware of how the world has changed with the invention of the Internet. However, we often overlook the omniscience of this powerful avenue of communication and the influence it carries with personal branding. With applications such as Foursquare andFacebook Places, your every move is literally being watched. Your personal branding could be severely affected by the information on the internet and, in positive cases, we hope that it is. Throughout the personal branding process you should be publishing as much positive content about your brand as possible, however, you should also be aware of anything and everything that is less than positive about your personal brand on the internet. Don't give anyone the opportunity to question your ethical standards.
A big part of controlling any negative information about your personal brand is making sure that there isn't anything to question in the first place. Practicing high ethical standards is always the first step to good publicity and positive information about your personal brand. There may, occasionally, be a disgruntled client who chooses to settle their differences with your brand virtually but even those cases can be handled with grace and preserve your ethical image. So keep that in mind as you interact on the internet.
Let me give you an example of what not to do with your personal brand. One of my friends from college was always pushing the line between the spirit of the law and being downright unethical, whether he was dreaming up some way of parking for free, or passing calculus 201 without really going to the class (that's a story that didn't turn out too well for him). The problem is all of those techniques have bled over into his business life, and frankly its killing him, well its killing his personal brand.
His first problem is that he continues to push the line too far. His second problem is that the intel world is now global and the internet records everything. The first time my friend got caught pushing that line with his personal brand, his clients talked about it on blogs, and YouTube, and Twitter, and on and on and on. The byproduct of these customer reviews was a personal brand of "that guy with a good product who will not always be ethical" and that was the beginning of his end.
Today you need to be aware of what personal brand you are trying to portray, who you really are, what customers you want, and how do you plan on keeping them. Remember in todays day and age "what happens in vegas stays on.. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc."
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