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Discover Threesecrets To Earn Extra Money From Home

The Market Plan To Earn Extra Money From Home

If you want to earn extra money from home you have to have a realistic market plan to do so.

Whether you desire to blog to make money online, or start a residual income opportunity, you can put this market plan into action.

I am here to tell you there are legitimate work at home opportunities out there. You can make money online now.

Here are four keys to keep in mind.


What are you passionate about or what do you enjoy doing? If you find something that you enjoy, where the time just flies by, you probably have found a passion.

I have a brother (the oldest of four brothers)who gave me some valuable wisdom at a young age. He told me if I found something I loved, and could make a living doing it, I needed to pursue it.

After a failed golfing career, I remembered his advice and thought about what I really enjoyed. Well, I loved Christian Music. I used to make mixes of Christian music on tapes with my voice as a "dj" speaking encouragement in between the songs. Time flew by when I was in the midst of one of these creations as I considered the theme of the tape, which Christian songs to select, and what order as I produced the mix. I'd give them out to my golfing friends to listen to as they traveled on this golf tour all over the country in their vehicles. I called it the KYSS tape series. KYSS standing for: Know You're Someone Special!

So one of the first jobs I applied for after my golfing career faded was at a FM Christian Music Radio Station as an announcer. The only demo I had for the station manager to listen to in that first interview was one of those home-made KYSS tapes.

I got the job! I was so excited making a living, making a profit, while at a hobby, now turned job, which I loved! (Needless to say I had a passion for Christian Music Radio! I spent 15 1/2 years at that same station!)


That passion leads to the second p: profit. Will your passion profit you? Can it turn into a home based business? I don't just mean this in the sense of money. Will your passion promote personal development. Can you learn a new skill. As Success Coach Dani Johnson says, "The marketplace pays for value. Your value is your skill."

If you can learn a new skill or enhance one centered around that passion of something you enjoy, you have the ingredients to making a profit and to get out of debt.

You could be that stay at home mom who has a passion for writing or encouraging people with thoughtful crafts.. Can that love for being an encourager be turned into a computer based home business?

Or you can turn your love of writing to blog to make money online. Yes, I've seen people do that. I personally love blogs. I have just learned how to set up a blog once and put it into automatic mode. My coach, Stephen Pierce, calls it the "How to Create Set it & Forget it Website Cash Machines!" Yes, you can stretch yourself, learn precise skills and do this!!

Maybe you enjoy people and serving with excellence in all you do. You may be a stay at home mom who has a passion for making money online for the family,, or considering other exciting business ventures.

If you enjoy what you are doing, you get up each morning excited. You are ready for the opportunity to put into motion your market plan to grow and impact those around you positively as you work toward your goal to get out of debt or to find financial freedom to go in the direction of God's destiny for you.

Ken Blanchard, the co-author of the "One Minute Manager" states: "Profit is applause for taking care of customers and creating a motivating environment for employees."

Employees, clients, co-workers....which leads us to the third "P" in this market plan:


How well do you deal with people? You will never be successful in any market plan in business if you don't serve and help other people. The most successful entrepreneurs understand that business is more about what they give than what they get.

As a mom, you can understand this well in dealing with your children. You often have to "die" to your own needs to raise your babies to be children, your children to be teens, and your teens to be...adults!

This amazingly simple but sometimes difficult to perform point can be found rooted as a basic Biblical principle.

Check out Philippians 2:4: "Let each of you look out not only for your own interests, but also for the interests of others."

Again, the principle is seen in Romans 12:10: "Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another..."

I think you understand perfectly. The Bible is full of verses relating to thinking more of others than yourself!

Finally, the final "P"!

Perseverance in priorities

I slipped an extra "p" in this market plan. Persevere in what God has called you to do. Stay committed, passionate, diligent...without losing your faith, family and friends. Be consistent with the basics of your market plan all the while keeping your priorities in line.

Serve and maintain your relationship with God. Serve and love your husband, your children, your family and friends. Don't let your longing (financial freedom. money, material things) for something in the future slay your appetite for enjoying the now!

Amidst your working at home, stay on a schedule that keeps you doing what makes the profit, and still leave time for your family. It can be done!

by: Marie James

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