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subject: VIZIO SV470M 47-inch 1080p LCD HDTV-VIZIO SV470M 47-inch 1080p LCD HDTV Review [print this page]

VIZIO SV470M 47-inch 1080p LCD HDTV-VIZIO SV470M 47-inch 1080p LCD HDTV Review

Very pleased with the Vizio SV470M HDTV I got on Cyber Monday for $599, free shipping, no tax. Can't beat this deal. The picture is great, better than my Sony HDTV. The sound is fine. Easy to set up. Initially I had a little problem with some channels only getting pictures but no sound If I use HDMI to connect my TV with Set-Top-Box. No problem with Component or Composite connections. I finally got it fixed by changing the sound output of the Set-Top-Box from Auto to L-PCM. How to do this is a little tricky. You need to google 'Vizio No Sound' to find out how to do it with your particular Set-Top-Box. Overall, I am very pleased.

I added a video showing the VIZIO SV470M TV playing back some video games (PS3/PC) and Blu-Ray movies. Obviously, it's not going to look exactly like you would see it in real life on a recorded video camera - and on top of that, a uploaded compressed internet video/low resolution; however, you should get a better idea of the smoothness and the size.

47" is quite a nice size. What a difference just 7" makes. Movies and games feel way more thrilling than it ever did with the Toshiba 40" HDTV. It's a really good size for feeling like you're at the movies, but just at home.

Besides the size being an obvious upgrade, the 120Hz and "Smooth Technology" is really the other main selling point here. If you ever wanted that real feeling like you're looking through a window, then you'll want a fast motion 120Hz TV because the movement will really look faster and seem more life-like. This is really great for sports and reality TV because it really feels like you're actually there more. It really does make a difference.

However, this can be a bad thing for watching most film movies (shot at 24FPS) because it will literally make you feel like a movie shot on a film looking like it was originally shot on digital video instead! Some films just end up feeling really cheap at those speeds and is really distracting to watch (especially those shaky camera films because you'll notice the camera being more berserk than before and end up giving you more seizures; the subtle camera movements will be even more noticeable). Moreover, sometimes, when set to the max smoothness, it feels like the movie is being fast-forwarded but with the audio still magically syncing up...

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