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subject: What is InboxDollars? Review of InboxDollars [print this page]

What is InboxDollars? Review of InboxDollars

InboxDollars is a program that advertises several different ways of making money online. They attract folks with promises of an easy supplementary income earned from reading emails and signing up for online offers.

After you join InboxDollars you will begin to receive emails for which you earn around .02 -.05 cents. Periodically you will receive membership offers from companies that pay you for trying out their services, payouts are a little more than you get for emails and sometimes include gift certificates.

The other way to make money with is by referring more people to the opportunity. You earn five dollars for each person that signs up through your referral link. This is a simple and hassle free way to add to your income stream.

If you join InboxDollars there are several things that you should keep in mind to ensure that your experience is a positive one. When signing up for offers that require personal info read all the terms and regulations and make sure that any info you submit is to a reputable company.

Also, people have expressed concern about the payout structure of InboxDollars and have called the program a scam. In my experience pays out checks accordingly, the problem is that very few people are actually making real money.

People have complained about the low amount of emails that they receive from InboxDollars. At 1 to 2 emails a day you'll be earning less than a dollar per week. So in the end InboxDollars is not a scam but it's also not a reasonable way to earn a living in my opinion

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