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subject: Home-based Business: Online Auction On E-bay [print this page]

Home-based Business: Online Auction On E-bay

Being an auctioneer is a very convenient home-based business. It does not need any startup capital, except, perhaps buying a set of computer and having a fast broadband.

It does not need to be new. If you already have a functional computer, there is no need to buy a new one. Proceed by making an account at online auction sites. There are many to choose from, but the most popular and successful is e-bay.

To be honest, not every auctioneer is able to make huge amount of money through e-bay. Those who do have followed easy tips provided by senior auctioneers who became successful themselves after trying several options.

Before you begin posting items for sale, you need to set up the method of payments you can receive. If you want to earn more, be flexible with your payment methods.

It is best if you accept all types of payment allowed by e-bay, such as PayPal, Personal Check, Cash, Money Order, Billpoint, Electronic Checks, Credit Cards by email, secure server, etc.

Most auction sites have their own set of rules. Whether you are using e-bay or another site, it is wise to read their rules and become familiar with them particularly when it comes to buying and selling.

You should have a good feedback system in order to increase your popularity, build your good reputation and start earning. For your home-based business, you can work on your feedback system by buying few items from other accounts on e-bay or any auction site you wish to start selling.

The feedback system works after the transaction is accomplished. Both the seller and buyer rate each other as great, excellent, good, bad and more. The scores are important in determining the reputation of the account holder on e-bay.

Most buyers buy from sellers who have at least 90% feedback score. If yours belong to this level, it is not hard for your home business to prosper. When you are ready to post items for bidding on e-bay, make it certain that each item posted is promoted well.

To do this, you have to talk about your product with enthusiasm. Your objective is to make buyers excited with your excitement. Your headline for your item should be catchy.

There are many competitors on e-bay, you need to give outstanding reasons why buyers should visit your store and click on the items you posted. Hence, your headline should be effective in grabbing buyer's attention.

Now, besides the headline, the item description is equally important. Incorporate boasting with accuracy in providing the specifications of your product. Take pride in describing the brand, condition, special features of your item.

If you have negative to say, you have to be honest with it, but at the same time, alternate it with a favorable description. Make sure that you have more positive statements.

Set up the policy for your home-based business. This constitutes your terms of services and includes the payment types and handling and shipping methods. There are many freight and cargo services available in your country and state, enlist their services to many of them for your customer's preferences.

by: Charles Godbout

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