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Could You be Pregnant?

Could You be Pregnant?
Could You be Pregnant?

The Symptoms of Pregnancy

"Am I pregnant? "Is probably the world's most frequently asked question by women. The early symptoms of pregnancy could well appear in the very first few weeks after conceiving. Here's what you may be experiencing. Of course to proof it you have to do the pregnancy test, or go to a physician for an ultrasound.

The Classic Clues:

Tender,engorged,swollen breasts.The breast tissue is one of the major targets of change during pregnancy. This is caused by the hormones (estrogen n progesterone), preparing your breast tissue for lactation.

Fatigue.Are you feeling unexplained fatigue and drowsiness? This is normal. Fatigue ranks rather high among the early symptoms of pregnancy.

Spotting,smallbleeding or cramping.For some women when the implantation process happens, she may experience a small bleeding. It is similar to menstrual cramps. If the bleeding and the cramping get worse, seek medical help immediately.

Nausea with or without vomiting.The Morning sickness.

The likely cause is rapid rising level of estrogen and hCG (another pregnancy hormone), which causes the stomach to empty more slowly, and trigger your nausea trigger zone. When this happen you may want to avoid strong odors from food, cooking, perfume or smokes.

Cravings.When you're pregnant, you might find yourself turning up your nose at certain foods, such as coffee or fried foods.

Headaches.Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches.

Constipation.Constipation is another common early symptom of pregnancy.

Mood swings.A pregnant woman is known to suddenly burst into tears with no apparent reason.

Faintness and dizziness.As your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure drops, you may feel lightheaded or dizzy.

Are you really pregnant? Make Sure!

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