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subject: Ways To Save Money On Your Light Bill [print this page]

What do you think is the best way to save on lights? There is actually two ways and they are shutting off the lights of a room when no one is there and two is getting those new style lights. These new ones look really funny but they say they will last for two years. You can only save so much when turning off the lights because this does not always happen. Not everyone turns off the lights when they leave a room. This light might be on for some time before someone else turns it off. The worse one for doing this are your children. They really do not mean to forget but forget they do.

It is important to remember that if you go around and shut off all of the things in your home that you do not use all of the time try to shut of the lights as well. This well save you money in the long run and you will see the changes in your electric bills. If you want to test a normal light with a energy light to see which one saves the most then do it. But you will see that the energy lights will save you more. You will then need to go through you whole house and install them into the rooms. You will notice the difference in the lighting in your home.

With those energy saving lights you want to make sure you get the right volt you want for your house. You can get them dim or bright to fit the setting to your home. Because some people have problems with bright lights and others have trouble seeing so they will need bright lights. Some energy lights may be a blue color, some may be bright white color, and the others energy lights may be a yellow color. But they are the best lighting for your home, plus they bring your house up in value and they make your house look good.

You can also find these kind of energy lights to put on your Christmas trees and the lights that you put on yours homes saving you some money on your electric bills when in this season your bills might be some what higher. These kind of newer lights are starting to be the most popular lights with the older kinds being on fewer shelves. Due to the fact that the older lights do not last as long.

by: Sazh Ketchall

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