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subject: Solve And Share Financial Matters With You Dearone [print this page]

More marriages break up because people fight over money than than any other single cause, including adultery. Engaged couples tend to dance around the question of how they will handle the money as a couple, when they finally make it official. The good news is that to ensure that both of you are on the same page about things like budgeting and spending can help to ensure a more successful marriage down the road.

If you have been working and living alone for a while so you probably already do some budgeting. You know how hard it can be to postpone getting the things you want for the things you need and how much it can destroy Apple Cart when you stray from that path even a little bit. But soon enough you will be budgeting for the two persons. Having two incomes would make things much better, it is quite safe, but you get to deal with two different sets of wants, too. Whoever the first person was who said that women are from Venus and men are from Mars, knew what they were talking about. All these stupid little things that he buys every month with "his" money is very likely to become a major problem when they buy the same kinds of things with "our" money, unless you're talking about it now.

Make your money talk a formal thing. Sit down with a couple of pads of paper and some pencils and write down everything that each of you use every month now on things like accommodation, food, entertainment, utilities, credit card balances and a dozen other things you each have to pay each months. The total of these expenses will fall when you live together in a permanent position, but not all of these elements will change. Make all the adjustments you have so that your budget shows revenue and expenses, you will have to have a two-person household.

When you get one of what your cash situation is expected to be as you and your boyfriend must decide what your handle long-term goals should be. If none of you already own a house as you move into, as a married couple it is almost always number one big decision. Will you both will save money for a down payment on a house in the future, and if you do, what are the non-essential that each of you are willing to give up building your savings account? It is also the right time to make full and complete disclosure on the amount of debt each of you has. Almost every newly married couple is paying off student loans, it is no surprise, but there may be others.

Probably one of the best things that could make as few as regards money is concerned, is to make a firm commitment to each other now that you will save 10% of your net income each month no matter what. A lot of families got hurt in the past few years, after the economy turned down because they had spent every penny that they got their hands on and no one was looking for a rainy day ahead. Even if you did something else to save this commitment could be the best you will ever do for each other.

by: Alicejoseph

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