subject: Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatment - Beating Cancer Gently [print this page] Prostate Cancer Alternative Treatment - Beating Cancer Gently
Suffering from prostate cancer is a very serious matter. It is so because prostate cancer is the second cancer killer in men next to lung cancer. When you are diagnosed with it you should you should find a prostate cancer alternative treatment right away. Below are some of the simple methods you can follow to fight this deadly condition.
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Lycopene, a bright red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes id good for prostate. The antioxidant activity of lycopene aids in reversing the malignant process of the cancer cells. Eating cooked tomato products regularly reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer. Raw tomato juices and fruits have been found out to give little or no protection from cancer at all. Consuming ten or more servings of tomato based foods a week will offer more protective benefits. There are also other sources of lycopene like guavas, watermelons, and grapefruits.
A fruit extract called Saw Palmetto is also used as a prostate cancer alternative treatment that is just as effective. DHT is a hormone that is responsible for prostate disorders. Saw palmetto restrains the production of this hormone that in turn reduces the inflammation and enlargement of the prostate. It has no side effects and very safe to use.
Having low levels of the minerals Zinc and Selenium can cause prostate problems. You can take natural supplements for these minerals. You can also eat foods rich in these minerals such as clams, oysters, shellfish, sunflower seeds and whole oatmeal. Also avoid a diet that is high in fat. Having high cholesterol levels is not good for the prostate. When there is a lot of cholesterol accumulation in the blood in the prostate cells can be damaged. For those with prostate problems a low fat diet is recommended.
These are just some of the prostate cancer alternative treatment you can use. All you need is to follow these tips you will be on your way to recovery in no time.
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