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subject: The Quickest Way to Make Money on Earth [print this page]

The Quickest Way to Make Money on Earth
The Quickest Way to Make Money on Earth

I am going to assume you don't want to break the law or rob a bank, because as quickly as it could make you wealthy to rob your local casino, it is just not the right thing to do. I will also assume you don't want to marry money or hope for a winning lottery ticket, what I am going to propose is a sound and hopefully rational explanation of the quickest way to make money on Earth.

First, I want to introduce you to the three types of money. Time money, Credit money and Solutions money. All three of these are ways to get money. Time money is connected to time and is typically offered in a job. You work 8 hours, you get 8 hours pay. The very next day you start from scratch, the work you did yesterday has been paid for and you will never earn for those 8 hours of work ever again. The next is credit money and this type of money trades tomorrows hours of work today. Typically, you can only get credit money, if you can prove you work in a job and have access to time money. So these two methods of getting money are both closely connected to the time component.

The third type of way to get money is solution money. Its where the fun begins. Most of the corporate world makes its money this way and pays their staff slow time money. While they make $100,000 in a single afternoon, they pay their staff an hourly wage. There is nothing unfair about this, but it is important to note that solution money has no time component. Solution money is made by creating solutions to peoples problems.

The quickest way on Earth to make money is to earn it offering solutions to peoples problems. The more specialized and effective your solution, the more in demand that solution is the more ridiculously high your income will be.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars and double it before you go to bed tonight,

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