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subject: Discover The Hidden Treasures Of The Grand Canyon On A White Water River Rafting Trip [print this page]

Discover The Hidden Treasures Of The Grand Canyon On A White Water River Rafting Trip

Grand Canyon white water river rafting is an adventure-laden vacation idea that takes the traveler away from 'been there, done that' creature comforts; instead, it introduces explorers to the wild and gorgeous treasures that may only be accessed via the water. Sure, picture-perfect postcards have whetted the traveler's appetite, but nothing compares to actually experiencing the azure of the water and still air of the canyon first-hand.

It is a common misconception that Grand Canyon white water river rafting trips are little more than traversing the rapids during the daylight hours and then falling into an exhausted sleep as soon as the sun goes down. Nothing could be further from the truth! None of the tour leaders raft for eight hours at a time and no tourist enjoys paddling and doing little else. For this reason, tour leaders guide participants to the hidden treasures that round out the experience of a hands-on vacation.

Take for example the rafting treks that specialize on any one portion of the mighty Colorado River as it snakes its way through Grand Canyon National Park. Along the way are a wide array of Grand Canyon hidden treasures, such as Havasu Canyon and Creek, the Redwall Cavern and Vasey's Paradise. The latter is famous for its hanging garden-like support of flora, which must be seen to be believed.

When not actively Grand Canyon white water river rafting, tourists explore canyons on foot and might come face to face with the historic Anasazi granaries. Stepping back in time is an almost spiritual experience that is underscored by the river's timeless beauty and the evidences of its water's power and unceasing attack on the canyon walls. Carving out these hidden gems without the help of human hands and heavy machinery adds a mystic quality to the outing that simply cannot be replicated just by reading books or going on land-based sightseeing tours.
Discover The Hidden Treasures Of The Grand Canyon On A White Water River Rafting Trip

Of course, there is plenty of time for relaxation and lazing about. Grand Canyon river rafting is as much adrenaline-pumping adventure as it is about enjoying time away from laptops and Blackberries. Leisurely swims in calm side rivers, seeing occasional herds of bighorn sheep on the rocks or majestic eagles soaring high above the canyon and also the occasional moments of peace and quiet just after dawn and before dusk. These are inimitable Grand Canyon hidden treasures that the tourist will cherish long after the helicopter ride back to the hotel becomes a distant memory.

by: Stephen Daniels

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