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Watch Gulliver's Travels Movie

Watch Gulliver's Travels Movie
Watch Gulliver's Travels Movie

Gulliver's Travels Movie

The film industry uses every interesting idea, prior book, story and real life experiences which would attract a lot of people and sometimes the execution turns out to be great, sometimes disappointing and other times it just depends on what one likes and expects. Jonathan Swift's political satire "Gulliver's Travels" is another example for the adaptation of a book into a film.

The book which has a deep criticism embedded in symbols, of English politics and the ignorant community which values how things look rather than how they really are; unfortunately loses its satirical tone when adapted to a comedy taking place in today's world. It is understandable that the film makers do not have any social commentary, criticising tone since for some, art does not have to have a message. However, as a political satire, the criticism made "Gulliver's Travels" what it is and the fans of the book might be disappointed. Other than that, the film is very enjoyable as a comedy. The director is Rob Letterman, a very talented man who gave the audience incredible "Monsters v. Aliens" last year. Gulliver is portrayed by Jack Black, who is a rising comedian.

The story is taking place in today's world. Gulliver's secret love for Darcy (Amanda Peet), the editor of travel section in the publishing company in which he works as the mail room clerk. He applies for a position in her section hoping to be impressive and close to her. His first assignment is big: he needs to go to Bermuda to speak to a man who claims he possesses the secret of the Bermuda Triangle. Predictably for the audience and surprisingly for him, he lands on the Lilliput island: the country of a tiny folk. His funny adventures are very entertaining for the audience who do not expect the satirical tone of the book in a comedy film.

Shortly, the film is a good choice for purely entertainment purposes which does not keep your mind busy, at all.

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