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subject: Mix it up this Christmas with a Pre-Lit or Tabletop Tree [print this page]

Mix it up this Christmas with a Pre-Lit or Tabletop Tree

Mix it up this Christmas with a Pre-Lit or Tabletop Tree

Are the days of going through all the hassle of finding that "perfect" Christmas tree over? For many, this seems to be the case as people turn to a pre-lit Christmas tree or even a simple table top tree as a viable alternative to the traditional six foot fir, pine, or spruce tree that demands the physical labor consisting of cutting down, transporting, and dragging the tree into the house.

Then after Christmas, the typical tree has to be dragged back out of the house and properly disposed of. As you can see, a real Christmas tree is a pain to deal with and this is precisely the reason a pre-lit artificial Christmas tree is gaining popularity among a large amount of people.

What are the advantages of a tabletop Christmas tree? For starters, it doesn't take up a lot of room. For those who have a small apartment or limited space to put up a tree, a table top tree is an ideal compromise for saving space and still getting into the Christmas spirit. An obvious disadvantage of a tabletop Christmas tree is that it doesn't portray the magnificence of a full-size tree. However, if you have limited space in your home, that probably isn't a concern.

The advantages of a pull up Christmas tree are quite obvious. This type of tree is extremely easy to set-up and pack away. It can be put up in a matter of minutes (maybe seconds). For those who don't have the time or patience to deal with spending hours putting up a tree, the pull up Christmas tree option is a great solution.

Lastly, a pre-lit Christmas tree has numerous advantages. A pre-lit Christmas tree is, well, pre-lit. You don't have to worry about untangling lights, wrapping them around the tree, or unwrapping them when it is time to put away the tree for the year. This type of artificial Christmas tree can be full-sized, table top size, or several sizes in between. It can be traditional in color, white, pink, or any other color.

This versatile Christmas tree type is the most popular among those who have crossed over to the artificial tree side. This type of tree is nearly hassle-free, but is still beautiful and colorful, holds all your favorite Christmas ornaments, and really isn't a compromise. This is definitely the most frequently purchased type of artificial Christmas tree.

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