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subject: Easiest Way to Earn Money Without Investment - My Recommendations [print this page]

Easiest Way to Earn Money Without Investment - My Recommendations

Even though the worst of the recession seems to be over, people are still losing their jobs everywhere. Which is probably why you're looking for the easiest way to earn money without investment. Either you were (un)fortunate enough to lose your job, or you realized you'll only have financial security when you take matters into your own hands. Well, you've clicked on the right article. I'll give you a short overview of ways to earn money, mostly online, that don't need you to invest any money.

The most popular ways to earn something on the side online are things like paid surveys and email. Unfortunately, a lot of the sites that offer these paid to services are scams. Not only that, you won't be able to replace your full time income with it. If you want to get your feet wet online, then you can try these methods to earn a few extra bucks. On the whole, I wouldn't waste my time though.

Setting up a free blog on sites like Blogger is another easy way to earn money without investment. Quite a few popular bloggers are making 6 and 7 figure incomes by blogging. However, it's not as easy as some make it out to be. You will have to post regularly, like every other day. And you will need to build a huge group of followers if you want to make some serious money.

Depending on your skills, you could consider freelancing. All over the world, online and offline, people are looking for someone to do a certain job for them. These jobs are very varied, so don't dismiss freelancing right away. A few examples of freelance jobs are writing short articles, creating graphics, web design, product development, building links, bookkeeping, tutoring, customer service, posting in forums. There are plenty of specialized freelance websites to find jobs. But you could also check out classified ads. You can choose the jobs that interest you the most, so it doesn't seem like work too much.

Article marketing in my opinion is the most interesting and easiest way to earn money without investment. It's also the most sustainable in the long run. You can write articles on free sites that will share part of their ad revenue with you. Even better is adding affiliate links in your articles. Every time a reader clicks on the affiliate link and performs a certain action, like buy a product or submit an email address, you receive a commission. Eventually, you'll want to invest your revenue into setting up your own sites so you have more control over your content and income.

The reason I'm a huge fan of article marketing and follow this strategy myself, is because it can be done for free and you'll keep earning money, even if you stop working on it. If your articles are still online 5 years from now, they can still bring in some extra cash. I'm still making some money from articles I wrote 3 years ago and haven't touched since. And you get to write about things that interest you.

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