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Important Considerations for Learning French Fast

Important Considerations for Learning French Fast

If you're trying to learn French fast, you need to make sure you're at least getting good instruction from your materials. Some materials lend themselves to incomplete or incorrect instruction. For example, some courses will give you an audio recording of someone speaking French words. You read the words out of a book and try to match the speaker's pronunciation. Unfortunately, this doesn't really help you to notice when you're pronouncing something incorrectly. Your voice sounds much different to listeners than it does to you.

Programs that help you learn French fast have to make sure that you're actually assimilating the materials as intended. One way good instructional materials will do this seems a bit odd, to some, but is actually very time-tested: singing. Music is an easy way to communicate how someone is supposed to pronounce a word. In a song, the melody and meter can be used to better describe the subtleties of any word, and songwriters who specifically make instructional music for language students are very good at exploiting this fact.

Another big concern is whether or not you're really learning how French is used. Some courses teach the language as if it were an abstraction or as if it's learned by making word-for-word translations from English. French, of course, has a sound all its own. Like English, it has many clever turns of phrase and colorful expressions. The only way you'll usually hear language used in this way is to listen to people conversing. This is where theater comes in.

When theater is added to the music, it ensures that you learn French fast and right. The theater allows you to hear people doing everyday things and to hear them conversing about it. This means that you're exposed to the type of language that you'll hear when you're in a French-speaking nation. Nobody, of course, speaks English the way it's taught in a phrasebook. The same holds true of French.

If you really want to learn French fast, make sure the materials you use allow you to study the language at this level of detail and with built-in ways to ensure that you're developing good habits. Contrary to popular belief, you can pick up a language very quickly. With the right materials, learning comes much faster and you can be sure that you're learning to speak the language in a useful and realistic way.

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