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Non IM Riches Preview
Non IM Riches Preview

Non IM Riches is the latest course developed by Dylan Loh, a full time affiliate marketer. As the name suggests, it is a complete video course where Dylan personally shows you how to make money in niches outside of Internet Marketing. In this course, Dylan actually reveals his own sites, niches and methods that earn him $1,000s every month. You read that right. Dylan is revealing the niches he's promoting, his methods of promotion and even his own affiliate sites!

As we know, Internet Marketing products are very popular because a lot of people are eager to learn how to make money online. However, these products also have the highest competition and the refund rate can be high. With Non IM Riches course, you can explore many various niches with less competition on the Internet. It's also easier for you to make more sales. And with less refund, you're going to earn more profits!

There are a total of 12 videos which can all be viewed from this one page. This make is much easier than having to download each one then searching for link to view the video. The first 6 videos are focus on using Adsense properly, finding a niche, setting up a blog, adding content, etc. Dylan uses the free blog platform from Google ( so you don't need to spend any money buying domain name and hosting this is a perfect way for the total beginner to start earning money online.

The next videos 7 to 11 are focus on teaching you how to use the paid traffic sources (NOT Google Adwords). He shows you how to get high-quality traffic with a small budget (5 cents to $10). He will be covering Media Buys, Yahoo Search Marketing, MSN AdCenter and StumbleUpon.

Simply put if you are in the affiliate marketing Mr. Loh has something for everyone. Need to know how to build a list check out his product called list profit machine. He teaches you how you can build a list with free traffic. Perhaps most important is he teaches you how to maintain a great relationship with your subscribers. This is important because your subscribers must trust you if you are going to make a ton of money with your list. He also teaches you how to write emails that are going to capture the reader's attention.

The last video + 4 Ebooks will reveal the tried and tested ways and techniques of making money in Affiliate Marketing. It covers the A to Z of Affiliate marketing; from market research, to product selection, to keyword research, to site setup, to traffic generation. Everything you need to succeed in affiliate marketing is covered in the video and the 4 step-by-step guides.


I am convinced that Non IM Riches is another great product by Dylan Loh. He has been involved in web industry for few years now and in the past couple of years, Dylah has made it real big and is considered to be among the best out there. Non IM Riches can be considered because of the reputation he has built as a product creator; so even if you become a millionaire by using it, you would definitely learn a lot about how you can earn from niches apart from web marketing.

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