subject: Staying Healthy Is Just One Of The Benefits Of Health Insurance [print this page] Today many American's are strugglingToday many American's are struggling. They are struggling to figure out how they are going to pay the mortgage or rent. They are struggling to figure out how they are going to keep their kids in school or make the car payment. Often times, health insurance is one of the first things to go when families attempt to re-align their balance sheet and whether tough economic times.
It may seem as though the only time you need health care coverage is when you are ill but the primary thing that catches most people is the annual checkups and routine doctor screenings that they can not afford. The younger portion of the population is a little less at risk only denying themselves the health care that they truly need and since most younger people don?t get routine screenings they may only need to absorb their annual check up as an out of pocket expense.
However, things change when a member of the younger demographic begins to move into later adulthood. Biological problems begin to manifest themselves. Traits such as higher blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis or any of the hundreds of other afflictions that impact millions of Americans each year can impact those who do not have health insurance as well.
Cancer is the leading cause of death in America and takes many forms. Regular screenings can help to catch cancer in the initial stages of growth and can help with regular treatment to reduce the instance of death from this disease. Those without health insurance can not afford to have regular screenings and due to this fact are less likely to receive an early diagnosis and treatment for the disease.
Peace of mind is of course one of the biggest benefits of having health insurance coverage however health is also one of the biggest. The resources are available for early detection and diagnosis and should be used on all patients regardless of their ability to pay or their level of insurance coverage. Those without health insurance are denied access to many of these routine screenings merely due to the cost of such diagnostic tests and that puts their lives at risk.
by: Andrew Ferno
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