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The UK's Latest Single Reviews: 20th December 2010

THE MACCABEES - Walking In The Air

First of all, we would like to apologise for reviewing this a week late. Maybe a Electric Banana review would have caused this cracking cover version to hit the top spot instead of Matt Cardle? Probably not, but we shall sadly never know! Anyway, the lovely festive classic (sung by Aled Jones - although, not in the actual film version) is given a brooding indie make-over by The Maccabees.

The south London five-piece recorded their version during a recent live recording session for On Track With SEAT for Channel 4, which was on the telly on 8th December and received such a great response from fans that a Facebook campaign was launched to get it released...and here it is. Now, you probably suspect that Orlando Weeks vocals are not as strong as Mr Aled Jones. Well, you are right, but he uses his moody voice perfectly to create an atmospheric triumph. Brilliant!

Rated 4 out of 5

MONO - Trouble On The Way

Do you remember when Kings of Leon were 60% band and 40% moustache? Yeah? They were pretty great weren't they? These boys are from the same neck of the woods (Nashville) as their older homies and offer a pretty good replacement for the exciting and raw 2003-era KoL stuff that has gone missing from the Followill's own music since they started experimenting with Gillette products.

They've got that (classic rock) southern rock sound that made KoL so popular when they first broke out, but also (singer and Joe Strummer lookalike) Nick Brown's vocals sound uncannily like Caleb Followill, which makes it almost impossible to see a Mono review over the next few months without seeing a mention of Kings Of Leon included. So, if you liked Youth and Young Manhood, then whack this onto your Christmas (download) list.

Rated 4 out of 5

THE BEES - Winter's Rose

Recent interviews with the The Bees over recent months has seen the band big up the "psychedelic ayahuasca plant" that they claim has broadened their horizons and is directly responsible for this Simon-&-Garfunkel-stoned-off-their-faces-esque track. Now, we don't condone drug use at all, but we may have to have a rethink after listening to this blissed out little gem.

Winter Rose appears on The Bee's fourth album Every Step's a Yes, and is an indie reggae track (hold on, don't judge it too quickly) that turns it into a hypnotic delight. The brilliance might not be immediate, but give it a few listens and let it intoxicate you.

Rated 4 out of 5

HURTS - All I Want For Christmas Is New Year's Day

Again, this was released last week (what the hell were we doing?) and sees the 1980s Bros-lookalikes release a song that is rammed full of Christmas cliches, but somehow manages to be avoid being completely rubbish.

And if you know your Christmas pop, then you'll know that piano and a snowy video is the key to all things Christmassy. Double tick. However, despite it being a decent effort at an original Xmas song (which is very rare) - it can be almost be lumped into the same file as Westlife or Take That, as it sounds a bit phoney. Are we being a bit too harsh here? Also, why is Robert De Niro (or lookalike) dressed as Santa on the cover? Scary.

Rated 3 out of 5


The Human League's Don't You Want Me has been played to death by TV advertising, La Roux, Little Boots, and probably every artist (slight exaggeration) who has released a song in 2009 and 2010 - due to the great electro renaissance. Therefore it really is no surpise that they have decided to make a comeback and strike while the iron is hot! Well, maybe lukewarm, as we are all getting sick of electro and 1980s-inspired keyboarding aren't we?

Yes we are, but despite this actually sounding like a camp 1980s version of a Kraftwerk song with rubbish lyrics that may make you laugh out loud, it is an OK tune for those of you who can still stand all this electro nonsense and silly pointless lyrics.

Rated 3 out of 5

KATY B ft. MS DYNAMITE - Lights On

Everybody (with the winning combo of working ears and brain) knows that Dubstep is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of popular music. FACT.

So, here is the girl responsible for making it come out of our radios far too often than it should. Damn her! Katy B (Katie Brien), Peckham's finest musical export, releases a song that continues the commercial brand of Dubstep that ALMOST makes it bearable to listen to. However, it needs to (dub)step completely away from Dubstep for most of you to get any enjoyment out of this.

Rated 2 out of 5

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