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subject: How To Build A Home Based Business Faster Even With Bad Press [print this page]

How To Build A Home Based Business Faster Even With Bad Press

Erica Jones

419 330 1113

How to Build A Home Based Business Faster Even With Bad Press

We have all seen it, the newspaper article or the TV piece about another scam or fraud being blamed on the home based business industry. Sure there have been and always will be bad eggs in the industry but that doesn't mean that has to hold you back from building a wildly successful MLM business.

In fact, if you do this the right way, it won't matter what the press has to say- ever!

The people already involved in the industry understand the power and potential of the opportunity they are part of. They know they are in a unique position and have found the right way to earn money.

They also know the time and effort involved in making this work and are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Those are the people you need to talk to about your business.

We call them opportunity buyers and they are the perfect prospects.

Most people in this industry run out, make their friends and family list, get shot down by 97% of them and wonder why they didn't make it.

Those people are opportunity seekers and sometimes not even that. They are forced into looking at something because they felt obligated to do so. They weren't 'seeking' at all.

Seekers are slightly interested but have limited beliefs, have done no research on their own, have no invested any time, money or effort into the industry or training and are basically a waste of your time.

Is that really the kind of people you are looking for on the team you want to build?

Success is so much easier when you talk to people who are actively looking for what you have to offer.

So forget what the press has to say and start looking for people who already believe in the power and profit of the home based business industry. Be the leader they have been waiting to join and build your business faster and easier than you could have ever imagined.

Grab more info on how to find and talk to the right prospects for your business for free on my Nerve Center.

Erica Jones

419 330 1113

by: Erica Jones

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