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Home Business Opportunity Seekers Vs Business Opportunity Buyers

Erica Jones

419 330 1113

Business Opportunity Seekers Vs Business Opportunity Buyers

Knowing the difference between a Business Opportunity Buyer and a Business Opportunity Seeker could save you from going broke and failing in the home based business industry.

Talking to the right people is really the only way to succeed when you are building a home business. The problem is the Network Marketing companies teach you from the day you join, the wrong people to look for.

They send new reps out into the world with their business starter kit, a memory jogger to remind them of all the people they make contact with on a regular basis but don't really know and have them create the friends and family list.

This list is a recipe for disaster! It is full of names of people you know and love, that are happy with their lives, don't have the qualifications to build and run their own business and who are just going to feel pressured into buying or joining whatever you pitch at them.

This is no way to run a company.

These people are part of the Business Opportunity Seekers group.

They have limited or no knowledge at all of the industry.

They are skeptical and untrusting.

They know you have just joined and don't really know what you are doing.

They have no faith in your leadership (because you haven't developed into one yet)

and they need to be convinced that this is a good, legitimate way to earn extra money or a full time income.

So chances are the statistics for you signing a new distributor out of this group are very slim.

But if you look at the other group I mentioned earlier, you'll have a much better shot at success.

Opportunity Buyers already understand the power of the home business industry.

They have either been part of or still are in some sort of work from home opportunity.

They have invested time, money and effort into earning money from home.

They are simply looking for the right leader to help them get the success they are looking for.

The opportunity buyers don't need you to convince them this is legitimate and powerful, they already know. All you need to do is be the leader they want to follow.

So get your leadership skills in front of the people who are actively looking for them and stop wasting your time on the opportunity seekers who will only waste your time and pull you down with rejection and disbelief.

Grab more info on how to find and talk to the right prospects for your business for free on my Nerve Center.

Erica Jones

419 330 1113

by: Erica Jones

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