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The Home Businesses Are For Creative Entrepreneurs

The creativity is an art to understand, what the target group will need and want. Those home businesses, which understand these two basic things will succeed. And there is one more thing. These home businesses must be able to be personal, i.e. to stand out from the crowd in a useful way.

1. The Trust.

A creative entrepreneur can find the ways, how he will build the trust, which is the key thing. The trust is something, which you cannot see, but which will be built during a long period of time. The home businesses must be in contact with the new target person at least five times, before this new person starts to think to buy.

When the contact repetition has built the trust, it is still very sensitive, because there are so many alternatives to every offer. The marketer must stay with the truth, when he writes the marketing messages and to forget the hype style promises.

2. The Repetition.

The advertising is like teaching, where the repetition is the mother of the learning. The home businesses must get contacts with the target groups to be able to repeat the messages. Additionally they must use different channels to reach the target persons in the new environments.

3. The Long Perspective.

The trust and the brand image require a long term treatment. The persistent brand building requires creativity, because it is useful to add something new to the brand image, but the question is what and how much? Only an entrepreneur can give the answer to this.

4. The Improvement.

The home businesses are not easy things to identify. An entrepreneur can write some plans, but actually they are just words, some kind of aids. The real plan must be in the mind of the entrepreneur in the form of an image. This image is very sensitive to changes, so the entrepreneur must be careful, when he plan to make changes.

5. Keep Your Head.

The long term perspective is valuable, I would say much more valuable than the nice small changes. It does not matter so much, if the brand or site looks a little outdated, if it still represents, what the brand image requires.

When an entrepreneur has succeeded to build a working image into his mind, he has got something very valuable. Actually nobody can steal it from him. And a strong brand can stand quite big changes, before it will start to suffer. A good brand image does not depend on one element, but is rather a set of many things, which together will form a durable image.

by: Juhani Tontti

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