subject: Understanding Cosmetic Dentistry And Finding Richland Cosmetic Dentists [print this page] Cosmetic dentistry remains as one of a group of closely integrated services essential to the attainment and maintenance of good oral health. Cosmetic dentistry is considered to be that phase of dental practice which is concerned principally with the restoration of tooth impairments. Today philosophy and practice of cosmetic dentistry are exemplified in the services performed- interception, prevention, preservation and restoration. Embodied within this concept is a specific concern not only for the hard tooth tissues, enamel and dentin but also for the pulp, the supporting and investing tissues of the teeth.
Functions of cosmetic dentistry
Diagnosis and treatment planning
Each person who presents for dental care requires a systematic approach to the arrival at a diagnosis and the formulation of a specific treatment plan. Its the general dentist who may take an initial analysis of the patient and further refer him to the specialist. Of particular interest to cosmetic dentistry are the diagnosis of the dental caries, tooth sensitiveness, occlusal disharmonies and supporting tissue disturbances that can be alleviated whole or partially with some form of restorative treatment.
Treatment of dental caries
Early interception of certain forms of dental caries can be arrested by the instituting proper home care and professional procedures. At some stage of progress of this nearly universal disease, restorative treatment is required. It is a corrective phase of treatment which currently occupies the vast majority of time of the Cosmetic Dental practitioner.
Treatment of traumatic injuries
Traumatic injuries, occurring most frequently to the anterior teeth, may result in the loss of a portion or the entire clinical crown. Immediate treatment may include specific care and protection of the pulpal tissue, the gingival tissues and the exposed dentin, as well as the placement of an appropriately esthetic temporary dressing.
Relief of acute odontogenic pain
The disease process, dental caries creates a state of hyperemia with in the pulp organ. As the disease progresses, the pulp responds to stimuli such as cold, heat and sweet food which might otherwise elicite no response. Such painful episodes compel the patient to seek a professional care.
Preventive dentistry
Much preventive dentistry is practiced in the restorative phase of cosmetic treatment. Restoration to normal or more ideal tooth form likewise prevents gingival irritation and the possible loss of supporting tissues that might arise from food impaction or lack of hygiene. Occlusal functions and many other factors including the opportunity to supplement home care instructions during the ensuing restorative visits provide a great opportunity for the Richland Cosmetic Dentist to practice prevention.
The principles of cosmetic dentistry can not be practiced properly without the adequate control of the operative field. So proceeding with cosmetic dentistry would require a service from highly qualified and experienced Richland Cosmetic Dentist. Searching around your for the Richland Cosmetic Dentist. If still unable to find one then you can refer to Top3Dentists where you will receive comprehensive cosmetic dentistry information and will be able to find a suitable Richland cosmetic dentist. For more details you can log on to us at
by: Mantu Sign.
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