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Chances of Getting Pregnant

Chances of Getting Pregnant
Chances of Getting Pregnant

We know that you are anxious to start trying to conceive, but before you start the physical act of trying to conceive a baby we encourage you to consider the following:

Have you visited your doctor?

Chances of Getting Pregnant

Your doctor should be made aware of your intention to have a baby. Making a doctor's appointment a few months before you start trying to conceive and bringing along you partner for support is a good place to start. The appointment will offer an opportunity for you and your partner to ask any questions or voice any concerns. At this time it is critical to speak to your doctor about any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications you are on. Most doctors will then schedule you for a physical check-up and Pap test; you may also be required to get a blood test depending on your health history.

Yup, tried that. . .

Now I know how many of you out there are 42-43 and don't think getting pregnant is in the cards, and even if you do get pregnant - what are the chances of having a healthy baby? Where could I even find any information to help?

It isn't easy to get pregnant fast, and it isn't as simple as having intercourse to get pregnant. As long as you take care of yourself by eating healthy, exercising and reducing stress you are well on your way.

These are some posts from women in your EXACT situation and they are, have been pregnant - and for most of them - it was the best pregnancy they have had:

I had my first at 24, my 2nd at 41. The pregnancy with this baby at 45 is being treated much differently by he doctors. They are a little gloomy. I had all of the testing and am having a better p[regnancy that women 1/2 my age. ~Tam

I am 44 years old and I am 36 weeks pregnant with a very normal, healthy, little girl. I have 3 children who are between the ages of 20 and 25 (and they are all very supportive and excited about their new sibling). ~Barb

If you are still wondering Am I Fertile? Or say you have started on the offensive and are looking for fertility herbs it is highly suggested to join a support group - and wade through all the information on the internet available to you.

How do I get the maximum benefit from a pregnancy support group?

Post as often as you can - get involved (only if you are comfortable with it)

It is easier to establish trust after you have built a relationship with the group's members - give it time and don't give up.

Don't feel obligated to speak up, if just reading helps you the best - then do that. Don't feel that you need to post something to be part of the community

You are likely to get more out of a group if you do participate but you are not obligated to do that.

How can I find the right group?

If you have the option of more than one group to choose from, decide which things you want most from a support group.

Does the group have an educational component such as speakers?

Is the facilitator knowledgeable about group dynamics?

Does the leader keep the meetings focused?

Some key resources:
Chances of Getting Pregnant

If you take care of yourself, and start to group with others in your situation you will realize that many are having intercourse to get pregnant and many are wondering if they are fertile. You aren't so weird after all!

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