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Provillus Review
Provillus Review

Hair loss can be a tough hitting reality for both men and women. It can start as early as your 20's. Provillus is really a hair re-growth system created stop thinning hair and promote new hair growth.

1. Men: Look Sexy And Years Younger.

Male Pattern Baldness affects millions of men. But you don't have to enable inherited hormonal imbalances to decide your appearance. Science and nature work together to fight thinning hair inside the Provillus Re-growth system. This twice daily regime increases the supply of nutrient-rich blood flow to the scalp. As well as the dietary supplements fuel the body with vitamins and minerals known for their restorative properties. The Provillus system will garner men with noticeable age-defying outcomes.

2. Women: Take Back Your Self-Esteem.

Female Pattern Baldness could be devastating, unsightly, and embarrassing. About twenty-five percent of women suffer from androgenic alopecia. Provillus has a customized hair re-growth system for women. One pill, taken twice a day, provides supplemental nutritional support rich in Biotin, vitamin B6, and Magnesium. The nutritional supplement is accompanied by a topical answer containing 2% Minoxidil. Minoxidil is an FDA approved treatment for Female Pattern Baldness. With patience, following this twice daily routine, reversing hair loss is achievable.

3. How It Works.

Provillus combines a topical solution with dietary nutritional supplements. The Provillus supplements are formulated with nutrients recognized for their regenerative and hair health support. The topical solution contains Minoxidil. Minoxidil works by growing the circulation to the scalp. This increase in circulation stimulates and delivers nutrients to the hair follicles. Hair re-growth is made feasible by stimulating dormant follicles, nourishing hair and scalp, while restoring hormonal balance. Since Provillus works on restoring the hormonal balance essential to a full head of hair, both men and women have found success in re-growing hair with Provillus. Both proprietary blends are engineered to target the specific nutrient needs of men and women, separately. Provillus establishes hair re-growth internally with one capsule taken twice a day. Then a Minoxidil based topical solution is applied to the affected areas once at night and once within the morning.

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