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subject: The Importance of Good Facial Skin Care [print this page]

We've all heard the statement "put your best face forward". While this refers to how we should act in times of adversity, it's also good advice for daily living. After all, isn't your face the first thing most people notice about you? The problem is that many of us use the wrong products as part of a facial skin care regimen and get less than optimal results, meaning we're often putting much less than our best face forward. And who wants that? Facial care refers to more than just the care of your face. It includes your neck, and eye and lip areas. The skin on your face is much more delicate than the skin on your body or hands, and requires products that are gentle enough to use on this sensitive area. Also, because your face is almost always exposed to the harsh elements - sun, wind, pollutants - it's often the first place signs of aging appear. These signs include fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of elasticity. Choosing the Right Products for Your Facial Skin Care

Just like there are different cleansers for your bathtub and your toilet, so too are there different cleansers for your face and your body. While it may seem easier to just use the same bar of soap you're using to clean your body to wash your face, you're doing your face a disservice by not giving it the TLC it so desperately deserves. A Look at Your Face

Let's start with your eyes. After all, they're the windows to your soul and don't you want those windows to shine as brightly as possible? The skin around the eyes is supremely delicate. It's important to treat this skin with extreme care. The last thing any of us want to do is help time and age in creating more lines, dark circles, and puffiness! You will want to find an eye treatment that is proven to treat those top three complaints - fine lines, dark circles and puffiness. Some key ingredients to look for include Cynergy TK, coenzyme Q10, natural vitamin E, and active manuka honey. When used together, along with other quality products, these work to restore your eye's youthful glow, by lessening the look of those lines and wrinkles and decreasing puffiness and dark shadows. There is no shortage of products when it comes to caring for your face and neck skin. How do you know which is the right one for you? First, you want to look for products that are organic and natural. These products will not contain toxins and synthetic ingredients that are not just ineffective, they may also be harmful to your long-term health. The second thing you want to address is any specific skin ailments you might have. These could include things like wrinkles, age spots, or sagging or sallow skin. These signs of aging are caused by the loss of skin proteins such as collagen and elastin, loss of hyaluronic acid and damage from free radicals. You'll want to seek out ingredients that restore, protect and repair your skin from these. Clinical research has shown that ingredients such as Cynergy TK, coenzyme Q10, and phytessence wakame are extremely effective in restoring your skins youthful radiance. When these ingredients are used together, and in conjunction with other effective ingredients such as shea butter, macadamia nut, and manuka honey, they are proven to minimize cellular damage by destroying free radicals, which in turn helps improve the appearance of your skin and it's over all health. A Good Regimen

So remember, you'll want to treat the skin on your face (including neck, eyes, and lips) with the utmost care. Your facial care regimen should include cleansing, as well as a day cream (to protect against the stressors in our environment and free radicals) and night cream (which is when your skin really has a chance to repair itself). You will also want to get adequate sleep, drink lots of water, and eat a healthy diet. Now that's really putting your best face forward.

The Importance of Good Facial Skin Care

By: Linda Lee

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