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Life insurance For Chain Smokers

Life insurance For Chain Smokers
Life insurance For Chain Smokers

Importance of life insurance is well known to all individuals presently. Life insurance policy is used for both short-term and long-term coverage this kind of policy is not only offered to individuals but also given for the families. It is applicable to one to six months depending upon the insured person need, they can extend the policy. Short-term policy is low cost and it has minimal coverage compared to long-term life insurance policy. Yet, they can't get more from this policy when compared to the traditional policy.

Treatments that include and not cover in short-term policy:

The treatments such as intensive care unit treatment, medicines cost, x-rays and scan cost are accepted in the short-term life insurance policy. The policy holder can have any treatment as listed, and get 100% payment for the emergency treatment. Using this policy people can get 50% payment for dental surgical operations and optic operations.

This insurance policy won't include general diagnosis, normal check-ups and injuries caused due to job. Pregnancy expenses are paid only if the pregnancy is complicated

How Do Short-Term Life Insurance Policy Works

The working of this policy is same as that of the typical life insurance policy. It offers 80 percent of the medical expense to the individual, and sometimes it gives 100 percent amount as the compensation. Normally, the bearer can take the deductible amount by them in this policy. Leading life insurance companies offer the 100% money back guarantee, if policy holders not satisfied in the period of one to 2 two months.

Disadvantages of Short-Term Policy

If the policy holders have any major health related problems, then this policy won't cover for the hospital treatments. This policy is not renewable after the policy period and can be done only after the specific period It covers only for the certain period of time and can't make any claim after the policy period if you fall ill.

Eligibility for this Policy

There are many eligibility demands for the people to get this insurance policy. People should be under 65 years of age and should not have history of any rejection of the health or life insurance. Person should be fit and their height and weight should be satisfactory under the company's guidelines. These are the eligibility for getting the short-term policy.

Premium amount of the short-term life insurance is payable at once or half yearly according to the insurance company's requirement. Price of the this policy may alter corresponding to the coverage, so make sure all the details are made perfect before signing the documents.

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