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subject: Lumix FS30 Review – Best Value for Money [print this page]

Lumix FS30 Review Best Value for Money
Lumix FS30 Review Best Value for Money

When it comes to looking at digital cameras and considering a purchase the overall value of the camera is heavily considered. This is due to the fact many people want the most for what they use their money for and that is understandable. This article will go into a specific Lumix camera called the Lumix FS30 which gives people the biggest bang for their buck.

Having the image of the best value for money camera means the Lumix FS30 is selling extremely well, especially when it comes to impulse purchases or a good option for a gift. In fact it's currently in the top 3 for the highest selling digital cameras around Christmas.

The reason it's such good value for money is mainly due to the fact that it packs an extremely high tech 14.1 mega pixel lens which is extremely surprising considering that's more mega pixels than cameras that are currently selling for 100% the retail value.

An 8x optical zoom also means that getting great photographs is much easier and shows that this camera cares about detail. An 8x zoom is also excellent for such a cheap camera. It's true other cameras have higher zooms than the Lumix FS30 but that's to be expected when many of these cameras are much more expensive.

What makes this camera so unique is also the fact that it's so simple to control meaning even a child can work out how to do the most important things. These things include taking photos, recording HD photos or browsing back through the pictures taken.

However when it comes down to reading articles you should always seek another opinion and get more information on products.

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