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subject: Quick review of the Voyage 200 Calculator [print this page]

Quick review of the Voyage 200 Calculator

This calculator is a wonder, but be informed that you may no use this on standardized tests and some teachers may not allow you to use it. Let us both witness what others have to say about the Voyage 200 calculator.

"The Voyage 200 is something of a tour de force. It is based on the Motorola 68000, the same processor found in the original Macintosh and many other popular computers"

"TI Voyage 200 is the best, now with its bigger screen"

"If anyone shows me a calculator who can take more than the 500th power of 2 without scientific notation and rounding -whole number displayed i will buy that calculator. And the Voyage can pass that, depends on memory available"

"I bought the Voyage 200 because a professor recommended it, and I must say it is the best investment a math major can make. This thing can do just about anything you need it to, and quickly"

"Qwerty keyboard is a big plus. I'm a math grad student and i find this calculator an excellent add on to my solution checking tools"

Details of Voyage 200 Calculator

- QWERTY keyboarding for typing

- Large easy to read 128 x 240 pixel LCD

- Pre loaded with popular applications including The Geometer's Sketchpad

- Accepts Study Cards for history, foreign language, English and more

- Numeric and symbolic equations; factor

Key Features

- Pretty Print

- Upgradeable via computer connectivity

- Advanced Mathematical software

- Geometry Software

- High resolution Display

- Icon Desktop

- Programming

I have been doing a lot of research and reviews on different calculators, my aim is to provide you information to facilitate you in your choice. The Voyage 200 might be the one you needed.

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