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subject: CNA Review: Master Your Indirect Care or You'll Be Sorry [print this page]

CNA Review: Master Your Indirect Care or You'll Be Sorry

Pay attention to your behavior in terms of communicating with the resident, valuing the residents' rights, providing safety and comfort to the resident, and following proper infection control (standard precautions).

Below are the methods of demonstrating Indirect Care. They will help you pass the skills examination.

1. Communication. Communicate with the resident respectfully and in a dignified manner:

* Greet the resident appropriately (ex. "Good morning, Mrs. Smith.")

* Introduce yourself to the resident

* Explain why you are there and the care you are going to perform

* Explain each step of the procedure to the resident before performing it (ex: "Now I'm going to turn you over on your side.")

2. Resident's Rights.

* Knock before entering the resident's room

* Provide the resident with privacy by pulling the curtain down before performing care

* Always be mindful of your language and actions while rendering care to the resident

* Ask the resident about their preferences, such as nail length, hairstyle, or choice of food

* Avoid addressing residents by nicknames such as "Honey", "Dear", "Sweetie", etc.

3. Safety and Comfort.

* Always check the resident's bed to see if he or she is in a safe sleeping position

* Adjust the resident's sleeping position to a safer one, if necessary

* Lower the bed while rendering care

* Apply a gait belt when rendering a transfer

* Make sure the side rails are raised before leaving the resident

* Always place the call light within the resident's reach (Highly important!)

* Always lock the bed wheels before helping the resident into or out of a chair

4. Infection Control.

* Always wash your hands before and after performing care. (Highly Important!)

* Use gloves if required, especially during perineal care, catheter care, drainage bag care, denture and mouth care (brushing of teeth), assisting with the use of the bedpan, measurement, and the reporting of the urine output

* Dispose of gloves appropriately

* Follow disposal method for soiled items correctly

* Avoid direct contact with the floor during bed making

* Make sure the resident's personal items are not soiled or contaminated

* Offer toileting during bedpan usage

* Use soap and water on the resident during perineal care

* Use clean equipment when performing care

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