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Build Your Own Home Texas

Build Your Own Home Texas
Build Your Own Home Texas

Learn How to Contract Your Own Home and Save 30% - 40% off the Cost

of Buying it From a Builder!Click Here To Grab Your Copy

Why listen to me? I've built more than 200 custom homes for clients and for my family over

the past 30 plus years (I started my career as a construction superintendent for a custom

home builder in 1977) and I've learned the hard way what to do, and just as importantly, what

NOT to do. And I've gotten good at it...very good. In fact, I've turned my own personal

homes into a wealth building machine of sorts, but that's another topic altogether that you'll

learn about in a bonus free gift when you buy the book.

I'm not going to pretend that building your own home is the easiest thing you will ever do, but

I do know that it will be one of the most satisfying and rewarding accomplishments you will ever

achieve. So, if you are ready to take control of your own home and your own financial

future, my book will teach you everything you need to know.

In short, the book condenses my 30 years of professional building experience into an industry

insider's guide detailing the strategies, procedures, and thinking that builders live by. It's a

concise system for building your own home that I've employed over and over again and

have made substantial money as a result.Click Here To Grab Your Copy

Even if you are just in the thinking stage about building or remodeling your home, this

book is the best investment you can make. You'll gain a "must have" insider's knowledge

and an action plan that could change your life forever. The book's price of $17.95 is small amount

to pay for something that could potentially make such a positive impact on the way you live and

your financial security as well! For the cost of going out to lunch, you might just discover how to

change your entire way of life!

Maybe you're thinking that I'm being overly dramatic, but I'm really not. Building my own

personal homes over the years (not to mention the 200+ I've built for others) has created

a wonderful way of life for my family and me and I know it can for you too! There is nothing

more rewarding than watching a home that you've planned come to life. The feeling is truly


I've received some wonderful compliments over the years from people who have asked me

to help them build their own homes (see some of their comments on the sidebar). In fact

that's why I decided to write this book. I wanted to help other people achieve the same

goals and dreams that I have. I want to add you to that list as well! I look forward to hearing

from you as you embark on this exciting and lucrative journey!Click Here To Grab Your Copy

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