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A Review Of Nutrisystem Cookies
A Review Of Nutrisystem Cookies

I get a lot of emails asking about the Nutrisystem desserts. Of those, many questions are about the cookies. People want to know how they taste, what flavors taste the best, how many choices are available, and how many calories and carbohydrates they contain. I will address these things, as well as tell you which are my favorites and which taste the best (in my opinion), in the following article.

Nutrisystem's Chocolate Chip Cookies: OK, so this isn't very original. There are tons to chose from and yet my favorite is thisboring standby. I like these because of the chocolate chips and because the texture is nice and chewy. This one has 60 calories fromfatand 13 grams of carbs.

White Chocolate Chunk: Do you see a theme here yet? Maybe chocolate? So this cookie haswhite chocolate, but it's still very good. And it also has hazelnuts which gives it more depth.This one is bit less chewy and more buttery than the one mentioned above. It too has 60 calories from fat, but 15 grams of carbs.

Nutrisystem Almond Biscotti: OK, this is technically not a cookie, but boy is it good. Ilike it because it is a very generous portion and is larger than the other options. And, it just taste very good. The almonds are very generous and plentiful and it's awesome with milk (skim of course) or coffee. This one also has less calories from fat and less carbs (60 and 13 respectively.) There is also a macadamia nut biscotti offered but Ilike the almond version better.

Oatmeal Raisin: This one taste about how you would expect it to which is pretty classic. What Ilike best about this one is that it has a nice chewy texture and at only 40 calories (from fat), it's among the most diet friendly of the bunch.

Peanut Butter: What's nice about his one is that in addition to containing peanut butter, there are many nuts in the product too. This one is a bit more crumbly in texture and has nice 4 grams of fiber.

Double Chocolate Almond: I love this one. It's a chocolate cookie with chocolate chips and almonds. I find it to be the most filling of the cookies but it also has the most carbohydrates at 18.

Overall, all of the cookies have a decent taste. There is no weird textures and no fake sugar after taste that you get lingering with a lot of diet foods. The choices and portions are relatively generous and I really appreciate that there are so many dessert options to chose from. Many diets just don't offer these kinds of dessert or sweet options, much less ones that actually taste good.

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