subject: NEGATIVE TESTS and SCANS - but feel pregnant [print this page] NEGATIVE TESTS and SCANS - but feel pregnant
I haveall the symptoms of pregnancy. Sore and hard stomach, leg pain, swelling of ankles and hands, belly button pain and hardness. fluttering and kicking in my stomach, creepy crawly feeling, vaginal pain and white discharge, round ligament painbut no weight gain and periods are lighter.
I would be 7 months by now!However, all urine tests, blood tests and scansare saying negative.
I have been to 8 different doctors from Gynaes to Gasteronterologists/ and General surgeons. Apart from them finding Severe Colitis they have all said there is no way I can be pregnant as I have hadnumerous vaginal scans, CTS and xrays and nothing has shown.
Given that I also haven't gained weight and all pregnancy tests for 7 months including blood test are negative, my stomach still hurts to touch and the movements / kicking and fluttering in my stomach is there all the time.
My colitis is under control and so it cant be that and I'm going of my mind and always thinking I am pregnant!
I have moevements when sitting down and can see my stomach move,
Its ahorrible feeling and making me very anxious.
Doctors think its all in my head althoug its seriously not as even when Im not thinking about it the movements are there.
I have been told that I was anxious, and this coud have caused it, however, I am realaxed and calm and want to feel better but no matter what I do I cant feel better !
Please help to answer why I am feeling this
Thanks :(
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