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Quantum Thermal Straightener- Review
Quantum Thermal Straightener- Review

Do you have straight hair? Do you find it difficult to manage it? Then here is the perfect solution for you. Quantum Thermal Straightener is the perfect product which will help you in straightening your wavy or curly hair. It makes the hair super straight and silky smooth. The success of this hair straightener lies in the adoption of the Japanese Permanent Hair Straightening System.

The process of conducting the thermal straightening is quite easy. By following the steps given below, you can easily convert your curly hair to straight hair. The first step is the application of Porosity Equalizer. It balances the porosity of the hair and makes it ready for straightening.

The next step is the thermal strightening. Mix a Thioglycolate formula with some rich conditioners and apply. This will result in the breakdown of cystine bonds in the hair and thus it gets soft and ready for reconfiguration. Now thoroughly rinse off the straightener form the hair and let it to dry naturally.

Proceeding step is the use of a flat iron. You can use any flat iron but it is recommended that you select ceramic or tourmaline flat iron as it gives best results. After the hair is straightened using the flat iron apply the Neutralizer. The function of the neutralizer is to make the hair stay straight. It is composed of vital Vitamins like Vitamin A, E, C and vegetable collagen. The combination of various Vitamins and anti-oxidants makes the hair hard.

The final step of thermal straightening is the application of some kind of rich conditioner having adequate protein, mineral, vitamin and silicone. This is to supply the necessary nutrition that the hair needs to stay healthy. It also makes the hair shiny, silky smooth and good fragrance. The proteins and minerals present in the conditioner helps in hair growth and tissue repair. It also reduces the harmful after-effect of the straightening process, if any.

Thus quantum hair straightening helps in transforming any type of hair into gorgeous looking, straight, sleek and shiny and volumized hair. This is what makes Quantum Thermal hair straightener one of the most preferred hair styling device in the world.

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