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subject: Hot Tools Straightening Irons- Review [print this page]

Hot Tools Straightening Irons- Review
Hot Tools Straightening Irons- Review

Hot Tools are one of the more preferred professional hair styling brands. They are well known for hair straighteners, hair dryers and various other hair styling devices. Quality, performance and style are their benchmarks.

The spectacular features integrated in Hot Tools straightening irons are the Tourmaline-ceramic infused plates, Negative ion technology and the Ceramic-Titanium technology.

The plates of Hot Tools straightening iron are made up of Ceramic. Then they are given a thin coat of tourmaline, titanium or silver. This is done in order to provide better hair straightening and enhanced security to the hair. Each one of them has specific functions.

Tourmaline infused plates are used for producing far-infrared heating. This method improves the uniformity of heat distribution across the hair. It also cleanses the hair from impurities and also removes the odour in the hair. It also reduces damages due to hot spots. The nature oil and moisture content of the hair is also well preserved. It adds volume, bounce and shine to the hair making it look so impressive. It avoids the formation of frizz, thus making the process easy.

The negative ion technology neutralizes the formation of positive ions, which are responsible for heating. Thus it prevents the hair from the immense heat of the plates of flat irons. Thus it minimises the harmful effect of heat on the hair.

The Hot Tools straightening iron comes with a variety of other features. Some of the most noticeable ones are:

Adjustable heat setting: It enables the user to set a temperature setting which he/she likes.

ON/OFF switch with LED indicator: Lets the user know whether the straightening iron is energized or not.

Quick heating: The plates of the iron take only around 40 seconds to heat upto 400 degree Fahrenheit.

Super slim and portable: The compact size of the straightening iron enables the user to carry it in the hand bag or travel kit. It is made of ultra light-weight materials.

Comfort Grip: The handle of the straightening iron is made of special rubber materials, which gives superior grip and control over the iron.

Multitasking: The plates of Hot Tools hair straighteners are designed in a special way. Flipping and curling of the hair can also be done apart from just straightening it.

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