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subject: We are JewishDetroit. This is what WE Achieve in Emergency Financial Assistance, Together [print this page]

We are JewishDetroitWe are JewishDetroit. This is what WE Achieve in Emergency Financial Assistance, Together

Our Detroit Jewish community is characterized by many exceptional qualities, notably our ability to work together and overcome adversity. We are a team where each of us matters, where we care for each other, where we help each other. Our Federation is proud to be the institution that connects all of us, always working to build a stronger, more vibrant community and serving as the safety net for those at risk.

But there is only one way we can accomplish our goals: we need every Jewish community member to participate in the Annual Campaign, helping us raise more dollars than ever before!

We are JewishDetroit means that each of us, no matter our background, our congregational affiliation or our interests, is important and has something to contribute to our community and its future. It means that we are willing to give of our time, our money and our hearts. It means that when one of us is in pain, someone is always there to help. It means that we are all part of a community that stands as one.

Due to economic and demographic conditions, our annual campaign has decreased over $5 million in the last two years. This trend cannot continue if we are to care for the growing number of community members in need.

This past year, with your help, we were able to provide assistance with food, rent and utilities; employment counseling and vocational training; psychological and family counseling; and scholarships for Jewish day schools and camps. However, many in our community continue to face difficulties. They will turn to our Federation for help and thanks to you, we will be there. We are JewishDetroit means that we, together, will meet the challenges our community faces, address urgent needs and create a better future in Detroit so that our rich history of Jewish life, and our tradition of taking care of one another will continue.

When we say "We are JewishDetroit," this is what we achieve:

Jewish Family Service distributed emergency financial assistance grants totaling $843,400 in FY 2009-10, nearly $120,000 more than the previous year. The projection for this year is $1,000,000, a 16% increase.

As a result of emotional stress precipitated by issues such as the loss of jobs or the loss of homes, an increasing number of families are requesting mental health counseling. JFS currently has a wait-list of over 70 families. Hebrew Free Loan approved over 1,000 loans this past year, providing $1.8 million in financial assistance, twice the amount approved five years ago.

Since its inception in 2007, Jewish Housing Association has assisted 1,000 families facing mounting mortgage debt and possible foreclosure, providing $252,000 in temporary grants and loans, and assisting clients to save over $400,000 last year in loan modifications.

This is your chance to make a difference to those in metro Detroit and beyond. Donate to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit now at

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