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subject: Frigidaire Dehumidifier, 70-Pint Capacity, FAD704TDP Review [print this page]

Frigidaire Dehumidifier, 70-Pint Capacity, FAD704TDP Review

I spent an evening reviewing dehumidifiers at shopper Reports, amazon, and elsewhere to know what I ought to use for a moist basement when the 2010 east coast winter. I realized, finally, by plowing through all the hype, that the "70 pints" doesn't consult with the degree of the bucket, however the speed at that the dehumidifier will take away water vapor from the air: seventy pints per day, however the buckets are all a similar, regarding a pair of gallons. That has to be created clearer within the review and advertising. For a block-wall basement, with French drains, in a region with high water table, or for any space where liquid water seems, you would like the very best rate therefore the unit cycles on and off. Otherwise, you seriously waste power.

This unit (Frigidaire FAD704TDP) wasn't reviewed by shopper Reports, however by others who were involved with drying rates and noise. This unit is sort of silent! It stuffed a 2-gal bucket in exactly a couple of hours in an exceedingly 40x60 foot basement with no liquid water however with damp block foundation. Overnight, the distinction was remarkable; in 2 days time, it had been dry and liveable while not more odors. It cycles in 1-3 hours, betting on rainfall, when set to four-hundredth humidity, and that i would suppose that higher or lower settings is also required at different times of year.

I engineered a transparent vinyl hose from elements at ironmongery shop, and piped the water to the little sump connected to the house HVAC. The unit had to be placed on an 8" box (wooden), with casters to stay it from rolling off. having the ability to envision the hose water was necessary as grunge can appear; when not hosed out, this eventually blocked the hose and defeated the dehumidifier. The built-in air filter isn't designed to get rid of mildew spores to stop this downside.

A very smart product, confidently suggested.

See Frigidaire Dehumidifier, 70-Pint Capacity, FAD704TDP

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