subject: When Searching For A Dependable Attorney And Lawyer [print this page] Dealing with legal issues, next to taxes, can be one of the most complex, frustrating experiences for a regular citizen to have to deal with. Confronted with a barrage of laws and regulations, most people turn to a lawyer or attorney to help them wade through all the red tape and court proceedings. If you have been charged with a crime, sued, or believe you are in the right to sue someone else for compensation, having a trustworthy, dependable attorney can make all the difference between proper representation and unending legal and financial headaches.
Still, finding the right lawyer for you can be quite a process. Study's have found that a large number of people are unsatisfied with their current attorney, and building a good legal relationship can be crucial for both you and your lawyer. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you search for a quality attorney.
Like most complex transactions, it is usually is not wise to start with the phone book. Seek out referrals from friends, neighbors, colleagues, or others that work closely with attorneys and lawyers. Of course, this does not mean that your accountant's lawyer is the best one for you, especially if he or she works in a completely different field of law than you require. Seek out referrals for lawyers that specialize or have experience in that type of legal issues that you are dealing with. Most lawyers will also list this type of information on their Internet website, explaining which areas they focus on and the types of cases they have handled. If you do not have any connections to those in the legal business, there are lawyer referral services, usually handled by your state's respective bar exam. They can help make sure you find a dependable lawyer that is fully certified and qualified.
As you meet with potential lawyers to work with, explain your case fully and get their advice about how to proceed. Also decide how dependant you are on their services. Some people prefer to turn to a lawyer as a type of "legal coach" that will guide them through the steps they need to take and only serve as their direct counsel if it becomes necessary. While this might save the number of hours you are billed for, you will want to make sure you are confident in how to handle yourself in a courtroom or in settlement proceedings. Furthermore, make sure you get along well with your lawyer and that you feel comfortable talking and working with him.
All this can help you find a quality lawyer that will stick with you through thick and thin, providing you the dependable legal representation that you need.
by: Art Gib
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