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Alta White Review
Alta White Review

The yellow on the teeth is caused by discoloration of 'dentine' which is the secondary layer of material underneath the enamel. Enamel is transparent so using an abrasive substance will not give you bright white teeth whitening results, even cosmetically, and abrasive substances are not good for the teeth. They only remove stains and do not restore the natural color of the tooth.

What about Baking Soda?

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) does not give you bright white teeth whitening results. It neutralizes plaque acids (which can contribute to tooth decay) and certain types of mouth odors. Depending on its concentration, baking soda may act as a mild abrasive similar to hydrated silica gel and calcium phosphate dihydrate.

Does Bicarb ordinary paste provide different results?

Bright white teeth whitening results can be achieved using Bicarb paste which can be purchased at your local store. A colleague was obsessed with bright white teeth whitening. She had been to the dentist a few times, spent a lot of money on her teeth and still was not satisfied with the outcome. Bicarb ordinary toothpaste was recommended to her and after a couple of weeks her visits to the dentist stopped. She is much happier with her dazzling bright white teeth now than ever before. There was a remarkable improvement in the appearance of her teeth only after 4-5 cleans.

What effect does using Bicarb have on the sensitivity of bright white teeth?

The effect is not hugely noticeable on the sensitivity of the teeth if you brush your teeth with Sensodyne immediately. But please do not brush your teeth with the bicarb paste immediately after eating very vinegary pickled onions as the taste is not very good.

How about commercial bright white teeth whitening toothpaste?

Do not bother with commercial bright white teeth whitening toothpaste as they contain nothing different except regular bicarb mixed in it. Just dab your tooth brush which already has toothpaste on it i.e. Sensodyne or Colgate in the bicarb paste before brushing, that way the toothpaste takes away some of the bicarb flavour and you get the same effect. People that drink lots of tea with heavily stained sensitive teeth, have seen some effect after a couple of months just by using the bicarb once a day.

How does the Bicarb paste taste?

Bicarb paste does not have a very good taste so try to keep it on the teeth. A solution highly recommended is to add pulverized dried sage leaves to the Bicarb or thoroughly mix a couple of drops of peppermint oil in it.

Several dentists advise not to bother with expensive toothpastes or toothbrushes for bright white teeth whitening results, just use whatever was cheapest or on special offer and brush at least twice a day and 1 minute longer than you think you need to.

A word of advice for those of you considering professional bright white teeth whitening at the dentists - A friend went for treatment and ended up with a chemical burn in her mouth - so, despite all the precautions things can go wrong.

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