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subject: Cuisinart Brew Dcc 1200 - A Critical Review [print this page]

Coffee is big business nowadaysCoffee is big business nowadays. The market is stuffed with coffee makers, but I am going to specifically review the Cuisinart Brew DCC 1200, which is one of the most hot products on the market today. Coffee has been a must brew since the dawn of modern world. The reasons are many; it's a refreshful, nourishing and soothing beverage, natural to make, to make you prepared. However, the procedure of brewing your personal loving cup of coffee is important for the mastering of the just now named criterias. Want to know if the Cuisinart Coffeemaker Brew 1200 deserve the hype? Then read on!

Cuisinart Brew DCC 1200 - How does the coffee taste?

I bet we all can agree on one easy fact when we drink our coffee; the taste and texture is the first and without doubt most serious aspect when devouring a freshly brewed cup of coffee. It can give you an hot feeling or well being and satisfaction. On the opposite it can make you go blech! It doesn't matter if you are buying the finest most vital and just grinded coffee beans present if the brewing operation doesn't live up to the hype. And how does the Cuisinart Brew DCC 1200 perform in this issue? My natural solution would be: HAWT DANG! This machine is a lean, mean coffee making artifact! The coffee brewed by this little creature is consistently rich and full in texture, allowing all flavours and subtleties to in full spread their wings out. The temperature is hot but not too hot. In general a very pleasing experience.

Cuisinart Brew DCC 1200 - What about the machinery?

Now to the more raw mechanics of this tool. There are many juicy features built-in. A temperature regulator which allows you to keep the coffee warm for many hours, a beeping alarm system when the coffee has been brewed. The pot and the lid serves it purpose in basal functional manner.

One drawback is the water resorvair, which is a little too tiny, and sometimes make it quite a puzzle to fill it up. Good training for the more delicate movements of your body tho! Always look on the bright side of life! What about the exterior? Of course this is more of a personal taste than the raw facts behind internal machinery. Me personally, really dig the ol' school heavy duty type of design. It gives a solid impression just as the coffee.

Cuisinart Brew DCC 1200 - Does it seal the deal?

The Cuisinart Coffeemaker DCC 1200 definitely seal the deal. There is no question why this machine have such a positive reputation and leading place in the coffee machine market when one try it out. It's a major overall positive experience, with the only true drawback being the water reservoir, which is a little too small.

by: Johnny Jackson

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