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subject: How To Manage Money - The Mind/money Equation [print this page]

Do you trust the connection between the mind and money? If you are still in debt there is a cause for that. Part of finding out how to manage money is also figuring out how your mind has a important role in the financial outcomes you are currently achieving. If you stick to this one particular equation, you will be well on your way to training your brain for financial success.

When we think about cash we rarely think about the way the mind plays a role in our financial achievements. There is an equation for how results are reached in general. Not just for money, but for any sought after result. Here it is: (I go into greater detail in our brand-new video product found via the link below)

(D) - P - T - B - A = Results

Each letter stands for the following:


P Programming

T Thoughts

B Beliefs

A Actions

So, your desires lead to your mental programming that leads to your thoughts which then creates the belief which dictates the actions you take which will inevitably lead to your results. This is one of the keys of how to manage money and mental programming. Lets look at each area in more detail:

Desire: Desire is the beginning for all achievement. It seems so easy but you are not able to change anything if you do not desire to do so. For example: you need the desire to get out of debt and better your self financially, BEFORE you try and do something to make improvements to your situation. The opposite will only bring about failure.

Programming: Mental programming is simply how you communicate a thought to yourself. The most typical being self-speak. What you say when you talk to yourself will ultimately determine how you think and everything you focus on.

Thoughts: What you think about will determine what you believe. Albert Einstein says that: "Thought is the preview of life's coming attractions."

Beliefs: There is no question that your beliefs dictate everything you do in your life. Put it this way, you are not going to try to earn a million dollars if you don't believe that you are worth it.

Action: The true genius in achievement comes from taking action. You will only take action if you've perfected the preceding bullet points. If you've mastered them, then taking action will only be natural because you are convinced it can happen.

Make certain you have this equation handy if you are in a rut. The key to obtaining what you want lies in that equation from the beginning, starting with desire. If you want to learn how to manage money properly then it is important not to ignore the mind/money connection.


by: Brandon Schmid

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