subject: Interview Tips That Work In A Recession [print this page] Tip (1) Find our as much as you can about the company before you get there. The internet is a massively useful resource. Company accounts, news items, company newsletters, reports, etc. can be a very useful talking point. Take spare copies of application forms, CVs and any other papers that you may find useful with you. If the interviewer has lost your CV it will give you massive brownie points to save the interviewers blushes.
Tip (2) Get there on time. If you're late, you won't get the job. Of course there are exceptions that make the rule but 99% of the time you'll be finished. I consider it to be a personal insult if someone wastes my time by not being on time. Be on time or don't turn up at all.
Tip (3) Conservative dress is best. Suit and tie for men, smart business attire for ladies. If you are too smart, it won't matter- you can always dress down later. Underdressed? Watch out- some people are still very conservative in their expectations- if you want to run the risk of offending someone's traditional dress sense, go ahead. My advice, don't! If you've made the effort to get a smart attire, complete the job by making sure it's clean and pressed. Pay attention to shoes, even the back. I know someone who always lets candidates walk upstairs in front of them to make sure the back of their shoes are clean. Picky? Oh Yes but they pay the best in their industry and this is one quirk that you would do well to understand.
Tip (4) Be clean and well groomed. Wash your hair, make sure your nails are clean- clean your teeth and shower before the meeting. If you have a long journey before you arrive, travel in comfortable clothes and take your interview kit with you. Take a wash bag so you can give yourself a strip wash if needed.
Tip (5) Find out about who you are meeting. Telephone ahead a couple of days earlier and ask some questions. Explain that you will be attending an interview and you want to be prepared properly. This is such a powerful tactic that I am amazed that more people don't use it. Word soon gets round most places- this is one area where you want it known that you are different.
Tip (6) First impressions really do count Never ever assume anything about anyone- I've lost count of the times that people have failed to get a job because they have ignored/ been rude to someone. Everyone is important- from the receptionist to the MD. You never know who you are meeting, and also how much influence they have. Be civil, be polite and treat everyone as you would wish to be treated yourself. I know plenty of interviewers who, after the interview will make a point of asking the receptionist how the interviewee behaved in reception.
Tip (7) Don't fidget and play with your change. Keep your hands neatly folded on your lap and lean forward to really listen to what is being said by the interviewer. Listen on purpose. If you are unsure about what is being asked, reflect a question back to buy a little time to answer. Can you explain that question in a little more detail please gives you some time to consider a response.
Tip (8) Questions are asked of you for a reason- to find out what you think is the answer. Golden rule of answers, answer the exact question that is being asked of you. If the question is about college, don't answer about school. You know this makes sense but you really do need to listen actively even if you are nervous. If in doubt, ask for the question to be repeated- it's far better to be sure you're answering the right question that waste everyone's time answering the wrong question.
by: Glenn Hughes
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