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Home-based Business: Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking for a home-based business is especially enjoyable for creative people. People who love to experiment in arts may find success in preserving memories in scrapbooks.

The art of making scrapbooks began at the advent of printing jobs, particularly when moments are captured and printed. Scrapbooking is very competitive; hence, you need to be really imaginative and resourceful with your ideas and creations, to stay on top of the line.

There are few ways to earn income from this home business. First, you can hold scrapbook classes and teach your participants the basics of the art. For being their instructor, you can charge a specific fee for the class.

The classes can be held at your home, inside a classroom in daycare, elementary and even high school. You can also introduce your arts to owners or managers of gift shops, novelty shops, and souvenir stores.

Hosting crops is another way to earn from this artful home-based business. Crops are when scrapbookers gather together for the purpose of scrapbooking for the entire period. For that, you can also charge a crop fee.

Now, all these scrapbook crops and classes are not possible without the needed materials. As an instructor and host of scrapbook activities, you are obliged to provide the materials, which should come in varying prices. Now that is another source of earning income.

During your scrapbook class, you will show to your participants on how to use certain tools and supplies. While people can purchase from several stores all the materials to make a scrapbook, it is different when they buy from you-they can get personalized instructions and tips.

Still another way to get profits from this scrapbooking is to personalize scrapbooks for others, whether instructors or clients. Some instructors may not have the luxury of time to make the scrapbooks, and may therefore fare well to hire another instructor to make it for her.

Since photos are the primary materials, the clients or instructors may simply send them to you, along with specific details on what kind of scrapbooks they like. It is then your duty to obtain the needed supplies, work on the instructed theme, and deliver the expected commodity once finished.

For making scrapbooks for others, some professionals charge their service from $12-$18 per page. One of the perks of being an instructor is getting discounts for raw products and albums.

The final method in earning from scrapbooking home-based business is to sponsor other instructors in holding classes and crops. From their classes and materials bought, you can earn a commission.

Putting your home business online can be more fruitful. You can customize scrapbooks for different occasions such as birthday, anniversaries, graduation, gratitude, wedding, thanksgiving, sympathy, Christmas, New Year, Halloween, et cetera.

Many people would like to have only one page of scrapbook. You can also offer that product. Be creative in your themes and cover as many categories as your mind can imagine. You can even post some of your products on auction sites.

by: Charles Godbout

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