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subject: Home-based Business: Nutrition Consultation [print this page]

Home-based Business: Nutrition Consultation

If you have an enthusiasm for health and nutrition, it can be a good concept for home-based business. To start with this delicious and nutritious home business, you may only need to setup your home office and some equipment.

Your home office may need furniture such as office table and chair, couch for your clients, and equipment like a good set of computer and internet connection. Being a nutritionist require license and certification before you can practice your profession, even as home business, in some States.

It is wise to know if the State you are in is strict with its policy on becoming a nutritionist or running your own nutrition consultation business. Although in few States, certification is not a requirement, being certified makes your client have confidence in your skills and knowledge.

Certified nutritionists and dieticians underwent a thorough and rigid process of education, training, and counseling before they become respected in his field. Also, in starting your home-based business, you may need experience from somewhere else.

Working in a nutrition or health food store allows you to exercise your skills and knowledge which you have labored for quite some time. When you work on your own, you are expected to perform tasks such as cooking healthy and innovative dishes, implement changes on your client's diet for health issues, and customize menu plans for healthy weight loss.

In some point, you may also render assistance in other activities that will ameliorate your client's nutritional health and lifestyle, devise physical exercise regimen. Having a degree, certification and license in nutrition does not mean that you are done with it.

You need to supplement your knowledge with continued education and training, particularly that there are innovations, advancement and development in the nutrition industry. Doing research can help you on this, as well as reading relevant books and news articles.

Food is often the most abused item on the grocery list and during dining out, which often paves the way for several eating disorders and other nutrition-related diseases. If you could gain in-depth knowledge on nutrition deficiency, preventive nutrition, and food and nutrition science, you have greater chances at success on your home-based business.

Now, if you think that it is too expensive for you to study a 4-year course on nutrition science and dietetics, you can still pursue nutrition consultation business right at the comfort of your home.

Each year, more and more North Americans recognize the value of Alternative Health and Nutrition. In fact, the industry in Alternative Health and Natural food is dubbed as" the fastest growing segment."

According to the American Board of Nutritional Consultant's website, in 2006, more than 100 million Americans sought the professional advice of alternative health practitioners.

To market your home-based business, you may work in collaboration with medical doctors. Visit them at their clinics or hospitals and discuss your home business with them. They may refer you to some of their clients who need adjustments on their diet.

Also, you can establish your clientele if you work with fitness instructors. People who want to lose weight, gain and tone muscles need a unique menu every mealtime. Sports coaches in elementary, high school and even colleges may benefit well from your expertise if you pay them a visit and present your proposal.

by: Charles Godbout

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