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subject: How To Make Money Is The Question [print this page]

The world has been in economic turmoil for a number of years. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost jobs that they always thought were secure, and are having to come up with ways to earn their own money working from home. The trauma of this time has imprinted itself on our society, just as the Great Depression did, but from this terrible crisis, something good has emerged, namely Internet Marketing. It has become a thriving industry.

Why is it that for some people earning money is so easy and for others it is so difficult? Is it because those who find it easy did well at school, and got a tertiary education, or are more intelligent? Do they work harder? Is it possible for somebody to make money if they did not do so well at school and do not have a high IQ? People struggling to survive are having to ask themselves these questions.

The answer is that people with very little education, who come from the poorest environments, have emerged from their poverty and gone on to make a fortune. Others have been able to create a stable life for themselves and their families without getting a business degree of any kind.

Making money is definitely easier for somebody who has grown up around wealth, has capital to spend, who has a lot of contacts in the business world, and a lot of experience of how it operates. Such people can start a business and hit the ground running - they can have attractive, well-stocked and decorated shops in good locales. They can afford not to sell immediately because they have back-up capital. They can afford to learn from their mistakes, because they will still be able to buy products and pay the rent and salaries. They can afford to advertise to the world. Of course they have the advantage!

But that is only one side of the coin. On the other side, it is also true that people who have no capital, no experience and no specific education, can also build empires. And they do, all the time. So if it is possible for them, it must be possible for the rest of us.

The difference is that it takes longer, and we have to be able to persist and be patient - which does not require money or education! Furthermore, we have to believe in ourselves, and create a plan which we can stick to, and I am not talking about rocket science here, or complicated business schedules and models. I am talking about a plan for Monday to Friday that has reasonable hours, is easily achievable and contains a list of fairly simple things to do.

People often believe that running a home business involves complicated procedures. That idea is very daunting but any business is no different in principle from going shopping or going on holiday. You think about what you want to do, you make a list, you do it.

If you are starting from scratch with no capital, you also want to build on your capacity to have faith. Rome was not built in a day, and you might need to work for quite a while - a few months, perhaps - without seeing much money come in. It is important to know you are building a foundation and that the money will start coming in one day.

No matter what your situation is, whether you have capital and an education and are brilliant, or you have no money, no education and have average intelligence, you can make money. Working from home costs you nothing in overheads, and internet business can cost virtually nothing to establish and run. So there is nothing to lose! But everything to gain.

And in the end, running our own online business brings us and our families so many benefits that we will probably be grateful that we were pushed into it!

by: Kate Costello

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