subject: Is It Possible To Obtain Auto Insurance Without Drivers License Information? [print this page] If you have ever considered obtaining auto insurance without drivers license information, you are definitely not the only person to consider obtaining insurance in this manner. Is it possible to obtain auto insurance coverage when you do not have an active license? Well, this is actually a great question to ask.
Even though, by law you cannot legally operate a motor vehicle unless you have a license, it is possible to obtain insurance coverage without your drivers license. Most people will attempt to obtain auto insurance coverage before obtaining their license if they are the owner of a vehicle.
Plus, obtaining insurance coverage on a vehicle that you own before obtaining your license will help protect your vehicle in the event that it is involved in a collision. However, if you are attempting to purchase auto insurance and you are not a licensed driver you will need to have a licensed driver on your policy.
Another reason why someone may attempt to obtain an auto insurance policy without a drivers license is if they are in the process of obtaining a license. You will be able to protect yourself in the event that you are using your vehicle for a driving test and something adverse should occur.
In order to acquire insurance without the presence of a drivers license, it is imperative that you research all of your options. There are some companies that will refuse to offer insurance to someone without a license, however others are willing to.
Some insurance companies do view the thought of giving an individual that does not have a license as a major risk. The agents may assume that by giving an individual without a license an insurance policy that they are basically giving them the ability to drive. Plus, without an individual having a driving record, companies will have a difficult time assigning a premium for the policy.
The best way to obtain auto insurance without drivers license information is to actually call your local agents. The task of locating an insurance company online that offers policies for drivers that do not have a license can be difficult. So, making the attempt to call different companies will help cut back on the amount of time that you spend searching for a company that will comply with your request.
Be aware that even if an insurance agency agrees to give you car insurance without your license, you will not be able to drive your vehicle legally, until you have obtained your drivers license.
by: William Wilson
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