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subject: How To Achieve Financial Independence Through Freelancing [print this page]

The internet has changed the world, but do you realize the extent of that change? Sure, you can do all of your Christmas shopping from the comfort of your couch, pay your bills electronically, find out the answer to a question in the blink of an eye, entertain your family, go to school, etc.

There simply is no limit to the ways that the internet has changed the way that people live. Unfortunately, most people don't realize how much the internet has changed the way people do business, and how many money-making opportunities there are online.

A lot of people think that you have to own a website or a business to make money online. This simply isn't true. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of opportunities for people to make money online. Most do not require an investment, just pure hard work and dedication. Following are just some of the freelance jobs that can be found online:

* Consulting * Writing * Editing * Graphic design * Data entry * Transcription * Administrative assistant * Telemarketing

If you have an area of interest or expertise, you can find a job online that will allow you to do what you do best and make good money at it. For example: Someone who is a beautician can write articles about beauty topics and get paid for it.

A carpenter can also write articles or work as a consultant. Even someone who has no skills whatsoever can find something to do online to make extra money.

Studies have shown that people who work online make more money than those that work for others. Most jobs pay anywhere from $15 to $45 an hour depending on speed and skill level.

Freelance jobs are "work for hire" jobs, meaning you will be your own boss and you will get paid upon the job's completion. You will have clients to answer to, but you will be able to call the shots and set your own schedule.

Freelance jobs are ideal for attaining financial independence because they can be done in your spare time. There is no need to quit your day job or invest your money into a risky business venture. All you need to do is find work and do a good job. If your freelance career doesn't take off, all you lose is time. There really is no risk.

Finding freelance work is not as difficult as it might seem. There are numerous freelance sites that help suppliers and buyers meet, discuss terms and conduct business in a safe environment.

These sites often work through a bidding system in which buyers post projects and suppliers post bids in order to compete for work. There are also freelance sites that hire professionals for their own team. For these sites, you often have to submit a resume and go through an application process.

Once you are approved, you submit pieces of work for an agreed amount of compensation per piece. As you can see, extra work, and extra money, is just a click away.

by: Dan Cavalli

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