subject: Get 360 Degree Customer Feedback With Online Survey [print this page] Are you shooting in the dark? DontAre you shooting in the dark? Dont. Create an online survey using Magic Survey Tool and hit the bulls eye. Its simple. Are you tired of using different permutations and combinations to satisfy your customers? Relax. Just click and create a satisfaction survey using the online survey software and youll know the secret ingredient. After all, its all about knowing your customer better, right?
Get started today, open free account now!
Customer loyalty cannot be bought, it has to be understood. Our online survey gives you a direct and powerful tool wherein you can customize your questions and ask exactly what you want and know exactly what customer wants. It also ensures a better response. With our online survey software, as per preference indicated by the customer you could call, message, and email your customer. The biggest advantage of online survey is that it connects you directly to the customer. The information can be used to build your marketing plans, product launch or any new service. It may also reveal what keeps you ticking ahead! Our online survey software will precisely profile your target audience and market. This way your efforts get more focused and sharpened and you can do away with any wasteful expenditure and replace it with something more meaningful and relevant. This kind of facility can give tremendous power to any business whether new business or old and established one.
A satisfaction survey can be customized and personalized. The response is easy as most of these having rating scales and one needs to just tick the choice. There is also scope for any elaborate answer you may need. In a nutshell online surveys:
Save time money and effort
Easy to answer
Response is invaluable
Increases reach and focus of efforts
Valuable data / feedback for future course of action
Profiles customer, market and competitor.
The list can go on and on! Basically its a tool to get meaningful and valuable information, at very low costs.
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by: Rudolf Black
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