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Some Facts and Myths about Cancer
Some Facts and Myths about Cancer

Cancer is a lethal disease but it does not give any signs of being in your body unless it reaches an advanced stage and then it might be too late to cure it. In this article we will discuss some facts and bust some myths related to cancer.

What is Cancer?

When the normal cells in the body start growing in an abnormal pattern, we call it cancer. Cancer cells multiply abnormally and form a tumor. There might also be other lump like growths in the body which are totally harmless. Malignant tumors are cancerous and can grow and spread to other parts of the body, even jeopardizing the vital body systems.

Is Cancer Contagious?

Cancer is not caused by a germ or virus or bacteria. So it cannot be transmitted from one person to another by touch or physical proximity. But some people have a higher risk of developing cancer. Some cancers like breast cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer are genetic and have identifiable genetic markers. So you need to be very cautious if there have been cases of cancer in your family members who are related by blood.

Is Cancer a Blood Disease?

Cancer cells travel to other parts of the body through the blood system but cancer is not a blood disease. Some tissues which form the blood cells might get affected by cancer.

Is Cancer a Single Disease?

All malignant tumors are cancer. Cancer can be of more than a hundred types and all tumors are different in appearance and respond differently to treatment.

What are The Symptoms of Cancer?

There are no precise symptoms of cancer and this is the reason why it is very difficult to determine if you have the disease. When in initial stages, the signs are the same as a number of non cancerous health problems. The best way to be safe is to have regular checkups. Routine checkups are recommended especially if you have cancer running in the family. If you notice any lump in any part of the body, a biopsy must be done to rule out cancer.

What Causes Cancer?

There may not be a definite cause of cancer, but there are certain triggers. Carcinogens are substances that increase your chances of getting cancer and these include tobacco, arsenic, asbestos and UV rays.

Is Food Related to Cancer?

Food cannot be connected to cancer, either to cause or cure it, though red meat and heavy fried food are linked to cancer without much evidence. Cabbage and green vegetables are said to help fight some types of cancer.

Is Cancer Incurable?

Cancer can be cured completely if it is detected in early stages. The only way to be safe is to exercise caution. Surgery, chemotherapy and hormone therapy are all successful treatments for cancer, depending on how early it is detected and what type of cancer it is.

Can Cancer Come Back?

Even when a person is completely cured of cancer, there exists a possibility that it might return. Cancerous tumors might form at the same place or in any other part of the body. So even if you have been cured of cancer completely, you still need annual check ups.

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