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Boosting Team Morale on a Budget
Boosting Team Morale on a Budget

With a bleak economic climate, how do businesses keep their employees motivated on a budget? As the credit crunch bites team motivation is more important than ever, but with every pound having to work harder and smarter how do businesses keep their staff motivated on a budget?

The current credit crunch is forcing a lot of businesses to assess their expenditure, which in itself will impact on motivation. What you can't afford to do is forget your staff altogether. Think smarter and develop more cost effective ways to motivate your team. It doesn't have to cost the earth, and will help support you through any difficult times to come."

1) Recognition Reaps Rewards - don't overlook the importance of public recognition in motivating members of your team. The simplest things can create a real team spirit and enthusiasm that lifts performance. Keep everyone informed of company successes through regular communication. We send out a weekly motivational newsletter and also have an air horn in the office that the sales people sound when they win a new piece of business - no matter how big or small. The 'horn' is very loud, attracting attention and applause from the rest of the team and management.

2) Company awards - If you don't already, introduce company awards. These can be weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually, and don't need to cost you a fortune. Just to be awarded Sales Person of the Month, and to receive a token bottle of wine for example, will motivate people and help encourage performance.

3) It's the Little Extras - Where people are doing well, look for little things to help them feel valued. You may no longer be able to offer them big bonuses, but you can implement things like letting them leave work early on a Friday for example, or give them their birthday off. We also give our top performer each month a month of free lunches.

4) Add Some Fun - As budgets tighten the atmosphere in an office can slump. The secret is to add some life to it. We've used themed days for years, and they create a real buzz. When the schools went back everyone dressed in school uniform, when England played Australia in the Ashes we all came to work in cricketing whites - from Olympic cold calling to tapas and pizza new business evenings, get everyone involved and the office will come alive.

5) Personal Support - This is completely free, and can make a huge difference to individual motivation. Ensure each member of staff has a mentor that they can go to and learn from, and encourage an open door policy. At Pareto everyone can speak to a director at any time for advice and support, so make sure you encourage team feedback and then listen and act on it. Being seen to take on board individual thoughts and frustrations will help in tough times.

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