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subject: The Benefits Of A Rice Cooker [print this page]

Have you ever eaten out in an Asian restaurant and marvelled at how specific meals can taste so differently even though most of the ingredients are acquired from your local food store? And how is it that the food they put together keep their authenticity even though you happen to be hundreds and hundreds of miles away from where the authentic recipe was concocted and prepared to excellence? Although restaurants have the benefit of making use of state-of-the-art logistics technology, making it possible for them to have the freshest ingredients possible, that still leaves the conundrum of proper preparation. Essentially, it doesn't make any difference how fresh the food is if you don't fix it the right way or if you are missing the proper cooking tools or appliances. You may be surprised to find that there are food preparation elements whose quality and flavor are not shed over the course of days, weeks, and months. It is these types of ingredients that can lie on the racks for many weeks at a time without losing their good quality. Rice is one of these components.

Did you know that archaeologists have identified white rice in tombs that had been undiscovered for over a 1000 years and it was still, incredibly, looked at as palatable? Understanding that fact, it should leave your conscience free when it comes to stressing regarding whether the white rice in your kitchen is going stale. Of course, there are some small exceptions, but generally speaking, the good quality of your rice would depend more on the appliance you use to prepare it rather than the time elapsed since it was harvested. Realizing all this leads us to the last deduction: preparing delicious rice is accredited to the appliance used during its preparation. In other words, it's the rice steamer that makes the difference! Rice steamers permit you to create light and fluffy rice every time with great convenience and amazing results. Put away your pot and turn off the stove top because a rice cooker will do it all for you. Rice steamers make a terrific accessory to any home and they are a must have for anyone who wants to improve their culinary talents. If you dont have a rice steamer, then you're missing out on one of the greatest devices of the twenty-first century.

What about the health benefits? Boasting substantial nutrients, rice is a great source of insoluble fiber, also located in things like brand, nuts, and whole wheat. If you consume enough insoluble fiber, you can decrease your prospects of procuring intestinal disorders and minimize the probability of acquiring constipation. Rice is also dense in carbs, low in fat, and it comes chock-full of B-vitamins.

Furthermore, eating brown rice can help reduce your risk of various forms of cancer, it eliminates constipation, and it is an extremely good source of protein. Moreover, brown rice is a god-send for those with Type 2 Diabetes because it is substantial in carbohydrates and low in its glycemic index.

by: Paul Render

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